1. You can compare a human being to a tight-closed tiny bud as like how humans don't open up easily and some people aren't impressed with them at first glance. But as time goes on, and they get to know them, they slowly open up.
2. Whenever you meet new friends, some of them don't easily see the beauty or goodness inside you because sometimes you don't open up easily or they can't/don't know how to tell that easily. As time passes, you slowly open up to them and they get to learn who you really it. (This question really depends on who you are. If you are a quick to trust person, you're probably the first part of the question and you should say, "My friends can easily see who I am as a person, because it is a part of my personality. I put my heart out and they see my 'beauty.'" If that fits you! If not, choose the first part I put and edit the you to I.)
3. In my opinion, I think it's better to reserve your goodness and let people discover it as time goes on and they get to know you instead of revealing it right away so they can't take advantage of you.
The wind was blowing strongly
Some satellites help by investigating faraway objects that may be heading toward Earth.
I took the test
Hope this helps. (,'_',)
A memoir is a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. It's a book about your life, the lessons learned, and key moments that shaped who you are. We all typically think of a memoir and cringe a little at the idea of a book about someone else's life
A memoir is a collection of memories that someone writes about his or her own life. While the memories can be public or private—and are often a mix of the two if the memoirist is a famous person—a memoir is understood to be as factual as memory permits.