Containtment is a doctrine that called for stopping and resolutely facing communist, Soviet expansion around the world through diplomatic, military and economic means. The author of the idea was a Moscow-based American diplomat named George Kennan, who published a mysterious Telegram X in the magazine Foreign Affairs in 1947. In it , Kennan - who wrote it anonymously - said that Soviet communism was an expansionist ideology that intended to get worldwide influence by exporting revolution around the world. The Cold War is a period (1947-1991) dominated by the rivalry -political, economic and ideological - between the capitalistic and democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union. In the end, Kennan and his theory were proved right, it could be said, as containment and Eastern Bloc stagnation led to the collapse of communism; Western scholars and commentators state that the US and the West won the Cold War.
B) It allowed for the rise of independent political groups and practices in the British colonies.
Prime minister Robert Warpole introduced the policy of salutary neglect in order to ease restrictions and regulations, such as trade laws. By doing so, he found this a good initiative to make Britain focus on Europe's politic affairs and eventually become a world power. The measure was a success on one side, since American colonies were now able to trade with other countries apart from Britain, investing their earnings in goods made by the British, and supplying them with raw material. But on the other, the colonies began to achieve their political and economic independence, which eventually would lead to revolution.
Answer: The reason for child labor laws
Explanation: What these two are attempting is extremely dangerous. If the machine was activated, they could easily been drawn into the mechanism and injured, if not killed.
The company probably saved a few pennies by employing the children, but could have put them at an increased risk for injury. The scene depicted here was far from unusual for the times as companies would do anything to save money. Without regulations, these practices were commonplace in that day and age.
President of the United States (1)
George Washington