You'd want to go back around to 500 BC
Bhudda would've been born around 500-400 BC if you traveled back any further you wouldn't be able to meet him.
Before Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his book Mein Kampf called for the total removal of Jews from the country of Germany. Mein Campf was an autobiography by Adolf Hitler in which he outlined his future plans regarding the country of Germany and also his political ideologies.The book was published on 18th of July in the year 1925.
Answer: Diary entry of September 17, 1862 This has been indeed a fearful day, and it is by God's kindnes alone that I am here to write this We woke up early in the morning I went out and read The Bible and a prayer. In a few minutes the enemy began to throw shells at us from a battery which they had planted near us, killing several of the 8th C.V.
"At Midway, thanks mostly to code-breakers and excellent planning, US forces ambushed a Japanese attack/invasion force that featured the same four aircraft carriers that had launched the attack on Pearl Harbor six months earlier. In the end, Hiryu, Soryu, Akaki, and Kaga were all sunk, with the loss of thousands of Japanese seamen and, most importantly, the loss of hundreds of Japanese aircraft and pilots. On the American side, the USS Yorktown was sunk. Japan, a relatively small island nation with practically no domestic natural resources, was unable to recover from the losses at Midway. While the US was able to launch dozens of new aircraft carriers and support ships during the war years, Japanese ship production was unable to even maintain the 1941 navy."
It’s the person and the building