The correct answer is true.
Flip bit position 5 to accomplish this. This maps to hex value 0x20, where the least significant bit is assumed to be at position 0.
Example: ascii "A" = 0x41, "a" = 0x61. 0x41 xor 0x61 = 0x20.
You would implement a flip function by XOR'ing the character value with 0x20.
Access: full electronic participation in society.
Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods.
Communication: electronic exchange of information.
Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology.
Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure.
Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.
Rights & Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.
Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.
Etiquette. Students need to understand how their technology use affects others. ...
Literacy. Learning happens everywhere. ...
Rights and responsibilities. Build trust so that if something happens online, students are willing to share their problems or concerns about what has happened.
The answer is Fourth-generation language (4GL). <span>Sql is an example of a 4GL category programming language. </span>SQL<span> is considered a Fourth-generation </span>language<span> (</span>4GL), whereas Java and C++ are third-generation languages<span> (3GLs). Fourth-generation </span>languages<span> are programming </span>languages<span> that are closer to human </span>language<span> than the high-level </span>languages<span> like Java.</span>
Optimistic duration
The following three concepts are Project management concepts:
Optismitic duration: Estimation of the shortest duration of a task, taking into account the difficulty, etc.
Pessimistic duration: Estamation of the longest duration of a task, taking into account the difficulty, etc
Expected duration: Expected duration of a task, kind of a compromise between the optmistic duration and the pessimistic duration.
Which of the following is the estimate of the minimum amount of time it would take to perform a task?
The answer is Optimistic duration