It releases bbbles of carbon dioxide
Many polish civilians perished and more people were put in concentration camps making Poland a little less polish.
Answer:.......... The densest surface water masses in the oceans are the North Atlantic Deepwater and Antarctic Deepwater.
This is called melting. Melting happens when the temperature is 32°F (0°C) or higher. This is the melting point of water. If you cool liquid water to 32°F (0°C) or lower, it becomes solid.
The gaseous part of the earth is known as the ATMOSPHERE. Atmosphere from from Greek atmos ‘vapour’ + sphaira ‘ball, globe’.
The oceans, the lakes, and the rivers of the earth are called the HYDROSPHERE.
From the Greek root hydro-, "water," and Greek sphaira, "globe or ball".
The solid part of the earth called the LITHOSPHERE.
Litho" is from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. "Sphere" is from the Greek word sphaira, meaning globe or ball.