World War II. This event marked the end of American isolationism and neutralism and the beginning of foreign and defense policy of intense internationalism. ... The U.S. economy was the only major economy that came out of WW II intact. This made the country an instant economic superpower.
It can be related but as we say in social science, correlation is not causation.
As such, D is correct as some believe that using suicide bombing is their way of fulfilling a sacred duty. Suicide bombing is merely the vehicle by which they are fulfilling, however misguided, their religious duty.
Hes neve met a natzi utel now
The reason they went to war is when the Athens interfered in Persian affairs.
The correct answer should be - a botanist who s<span>tudied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying.
The most important principle of Enlightenment is reason and knowledge - so instead on relying on superstition and unreliable facts, this person decided to actually explore and study nature further to reach a conclusion him/herself.