As the historian walked into the old cave , he took notice of the Paleolithic cave paintings depicting people and stones !!
The major causes of World War II were numerous. They include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI, the worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, the rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations. ... Then, on September 1, 1939, German troops invaded Poland.
Wolves are animals who usually eat dead animals, so they clear the forests of dead corpses. When wolves were brought back to the park, they not only killed elk, but also changed their prey's behavior patterns. The herbivores started to avoid areas like valleys and gorges where they could be easily hunted by predators. Deer and elk populations increased substantially, resulting in overgrazing, particularly of willows and other vegetation important to soil and riverbank structure, leaving the landscape vulnerable to erosion. Without wolves, the entire ecosystem of the park suffered.
Most Russians live in Europe or the western Russia because the Asian Russian (Siberia) is too cold and isn’t as inhabitable