It includes steep mountains like the Andes
El espacio marítimo argentino es el área compuesta por el mar adyacente a las costas continentales de Argentina y de sus islas, así como también el lecho y subsuelo de sus áreas marinas, sus recursos vivos , minerales y sobre su espacio aéreo marino, sobre el cual ejerce soberanía en distintos grados: aguas interiores
"Sulla<span> took control of </span>Rome<span> in late </span>82<span> and early 81 BC after victories in the civil war of his own making, and those of his chief legate Pompeius Magnus. ... </span>Sulla<span> not only butchered the constitution through various reforms he would make, but also focused his power on the leading members of the Roman ruling </span>classes<span>." This quote should help!</span>
Answer: it has to do with the earth. The earth rotates and spins around the sun. Therefore the sun “rises and sets” (we can see it) for around 12 hours