The actions are adequately matched.
- A life of suffering will lead to a life with religious ascetics. However, it is seen as one of the extremes that should be avoided because self mortification is unprofitable and unworthy.
- A life as an Hindu Prince leads to a life given to pleasures. This is seen as the other extreme because it also leads to being unworthy and unprofitable.
- Meditating under the Bodhi Tree leads to the path of enlightment. It is what leads to "The Middle Way" between "Eternalism" (which is denied by Buddhism) and "Annihilationism" (Budhism accepts the fact of existence. Therefore things can be destroyed.)
Thoureau wanted to poit to the fact that following traditions limits us and deprives us from developing our imgination. Thoreau, like other romantic authors, does not agree with tradition. He thinks it prevents people from finding true greatness and blocks their path to spirituality. "Castles in the air" are simply illusions by which people persuade themselves in something that is not true, in Thoureau's opinion.
The scientific revolution laid the foundations for the Age of Enlightenment, which centered on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and emphasized the importance of the scientific method.
Wallace believes the international affairs with other countries was unnecessary and disturbing.