The correct answer is D. 59 years and younger.
The image shows a pie chart showing the population percentages in Florida in 2013 by age. In this graph there are 5 main groups: Dark blue color that represents the population of 19 years or less, which corresponds to 23.5%; yellow color represents the population from 20 to 39 years old, which corresponds to 25.1%; green color represents the population from 40 to 59 years old, which corresponds to 27.5%; The red color represents the population aged 60 to 79, which corresponds to 18.8%. According to this information, it can be concluded that about 75% of the population is 59 years of age or younger.
This can be verified by adding the percentages of each population 23.5% (19 years or less) plus 25.1% (twenty to thirty-nine years) plus 27.5% (forty to fifty-nine years) add up to 76.1 %.
So the correct answer is D. 59 years and younger.
The ocean floor that is were the tsunami begian.
The statement is - True.
Most of the inter-faith conflicts are based on disputes about the differences of the faiths, which one is right and which one is wrong, who's deity is the real one and who's fake, the moral values, the principles, etc.
All around the world there's lots of religion based conflicts, be it between the Christians and The Muslims, the Muslims and the Sikhs, the Muslims and Hindus, the Muslims and the Judaism followers, the Muslims and the Buddhists, to name some of the few.
Even though it might come as harsh and selective, but the Islam seems to be the one that has problems with all other religions, while the others are much more tolerant towards each other.
No, because that is out of our range of sight and tools to search space.
Well I am wrong the answer is A for that helps keep the environment clean