the North Pole
The point furthest north on Earth is the North Pole. The point opposite to the North Pole is the southernmost point, the South Pole. The North Pole is located in the central part of the Arctic Sea. These points are very important as the parallel and meridians are orientated in accordance to them, with every meridian passing through them, while the prime parallel, the Equator is set right in the middle between the two.
Terrestrial planets are formed from rocks which are also known as telluric planet. They are composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals. Then, the Jovian planets are known as gas planets. Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars while the Jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The French president is considered one of the princes of Andorra. This started way earlier in the 21st century during the medieval era; and continued till today by the the land locked Andorra between Spain and France. The other prince here is the bishop of Urgell.