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Powerpoint is a program that allows us to create professional looking multimedia presentations.
<h3>What is Multimedia presentations?</h3>
A multimedia presentation is a way of communication where we use audio,vedio,arts,drawings and other various ways to present communcations.
<h3>Why Ms-PowerPoint ?</h3>
Ms-PowerPoint consists of some simple and understandable features to make notes through slides create vedio and vedio editing, Coral Draws Audio editing etc.
We can create banners,record vedios,draw and design with the help of tools provided by powerpoint.
Powerpoint also helps to transform boring presentation to an eye catching presentation.
Learn more about PowerPoint
When this case would appear, one thing that I would do personally would first, go to the settings, in then, after having this done, I would then "scroll down" to where ti would say "restore (uefi/bios) files, and from there, you would get every value that would would have from the beginning in your chip.
And also, what is truly unique would be the fact that you would be able to choose the "restore point" that you would like for it to appear.
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