They were of wonderful farms where the animals took care of their own affairs and where the humans had been kicked out. had control over themselves and were free from humans
Correct answer # 2: The world's nations must cooperate; one nation cannot solve the world's problems by itself.
When you connect two related independent clauses or sentences you use a semicolon. Both sentences should be completed grammarly writtend and with a connection. Make sure you do not write a capital letter after the semicolon, unless it is a proper name.
Answer # 3 is incorrect as there is a capitalized word
Answer # 1 it is incorrect to use "for" as the sentence is grammarly completed
option 1 is an opinion because it is not a fact. Option 2 is a fact therefore option 1 ( we would be lost with out English) is an opinion
Direct action began with planning, mental preparation, and training. Activists then consider the timing of their protests carefully, placing particular emphasis on holiday shopping and the mayoral election.