name and address of web visitors.
A website refers to the collective name used to describe series of web pages linked together with the same domain name.
Web analytical packages are software features that are typically used for tracking the identity of a computer system by placing or adding cookies to the computer when it's used to visit a particular website. Thus, it's only used for tracking the identity of a computer but not the computer users.
This ultimately implies that, web analytical packages can obtain the geographic location, Internet connection type, and navigation source information when someone visits a website, but it cannot obtain the name and address of web visitors or users.
Essentially additive editing and stringing “the good stuff” together, whereas subtractive is more about stringing all your raw footage together and “removing the bad stuff”
Additive editing feels confident and concerned with the pursuit of a specific, existing vision. And it’s faster. Subtractive editing feels like a deeper listening to what the footage is saying, and holding on to many potential permutations.
Addictive editing - creating a program from raw footage by starting by starting with nothing and adding selected components
Subtraction editing - creating a program by removing redundant or poor quality material from the original footage