A school started in six months time and project has been received by tremendous response from jhuggi cluster in the area and the school is amazing and wonderful education.
1. Lurk--to wait somewhere secretly
2. Intriguing-- very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
3. Ashore--ashore
4. Invertebrate--without a back-bone
5. Tremendous--extremely good
6. Suction Cups--a cup-shaped device in which a partial vacuum can be produced when applied to surface
7. Serrated--having a series of sharp points on the edge like a saw
8. Dismember--to cut or tear the dead body of a person or an animal into pieces
9. Vicious--aggressive or dangerous
10.Elusive--difficult to find, define, or achieve
There are a few that aren't really supposed to be used in formal writing. contractions, for example, are supposed to be written out--"don't" becomes "do not"--because contractions are something we vocally combined to make our speech a little lazier and flowy. this makes contractions a more "casual" part of speech. interjections aren't encouraged either, because we typically make interjections in casual speech; these don't go hand in hand with formality.
2. Describes specifically when and why
3. describes what happens during hurricane
hope this helped! <3