Spiral of silence
The spiral of silence theory states that people remain silent regarding a topic when they feel that their views are in opposition with the rest of the majority.
As stated in the question, the newspaper's stories suggest that majority of the people support cutting taxes, this leads people who supoort raising taxes to not air their opinions because they think that everyone else supports cutting taxes like the papers say.
<span>Once Jaden has decided upon the telecommunications technology his team will use, he will have completed the last step of the decision-making process. TRUE.</span>
The word processor used to be the only office machine in the year 1960s, that combined the keyboard text-entry and various printing functions of an electric typewriter with the recording memory. And this recording unit was a tape or a floppy disk, with the simplest of processor applied for text editing. Hence, the above statement that the early word processors ran on the devices that look like digital is true.
// here is code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// recursive function to find sum from 1 to n
int recur_Sum(int n)
{ // base condition
if (n <= 1)
return n;
// recursive call
return n + recur_Sum(n - 1);
// main function
int main()
// variables
int n;
cout<<"Enter a number:";
// read the number
// print the sum
cout<<"Sum of first "<<n<<" integer from 1 to "<<n<<" is:"<<recur_Sum(n);
return 0;
Read a number from user and assign it to variable "n".Call function recur_Sum() with parameter "n".This function will recursively call itself and find the Sum of first n numbers from 1 to n.Then function will return the sum.
Enter a number:10
Sum of first 10 integer from 1 to 10 is:55
A. While new media is dependent on whether users function in real-time or delayed mode, feedback is not as timely when communication is asynchronous.
Asynchronous communication can be defined as a data communication technique in which exchange of data between a sender and a recipient isn't in real time.
There's usually a time lag, meaning it doesn't require the recipient to respond immediately.
For example, responding to an email or text several hours later.