Small single-stranded RNA molecules called microRNAs (miRNAs) are capable of base pairing with specific binding sites in the 3′
untranslated region of many mRNA transcripts. Transcription of gene Q yields an mRNA transcript that contains such an miRNA binding site, which can associate with miRNA‑delta, a specific miRNA molecule.Which of the following best supports the claim that binding of miRNA‑delta to the miRNA binding site inhibits translation of gene Q mRNA?When the promoter for gene Q is altered, transcription is inhibited.ATranslation of Q mRNA is inhibited regardless of whether the miRNA binding site sequence is altered.BTranslation of Q mRNA is inhibited in the absence of miRNA‑delta.CWhen the miRNA binding site sequence is altered, translation of Q mRNA occurs in the presence of miRNA-delta.D
Option a) given in the option that if promoter is altered it will inhibit transcription which is the process by which information present in DNA converted to mRNA which require RNA polymerase which bind to promoter site so if promoter is altered RNA polymerase will not bind so transcription will be inhibited but above question is asking about inhibition of translation due to binding of miRNA-delta molecule to Q mRNA so this option can be eliminated.
Option b if miRNA binding site sequence is altered miRNA molecule will not be able to bind to Q mRNA so translation will not be inhibited hence option b is incorrect
Option c translation of Q mRNA is inhibited when miRNA - delta is present not absent
So option c can be eliminated
Option d if miRNA binding sequence is altered miRNA molecule if present will not bind to Q mRNA hence translation of Q mRNA will occur & not inhibited
This is the law of dominance in genetics. The dominant allele will mask the effects of the
recessive allele and therefore will be the visible trait of the phenotype. Most often, the dominant allele codes for functional proteins, while the recessive does not code for functional proteins. Dominance in genetics is
significant in Mendelian inheritance.
Mean sea level (MSL) (often shortened to sea level) is an average level of the surface of one or more of Earth's bodies of water from which heights such as elevation may be measured.