As a result Four haploid cells are produced
A woman with blood type A has a child with blood type O. She accuses a man who is homozygous for blood type B of being the father. Could this man be the father of her child? If so, what is the chance he is the father?
No – 0% chance
Neurological signals sent from fear responses in an organism tell the cell to stop. The cell's DNA has been damaged somehow. The cell's DNA was replicated incorrectly.
All the three options given can cause checkpoint genes to interrupt cell division.
Checkpoint genes are transcription genes that control cell cycle and sense defects during cells processes like DNA replication, segregation e.t.c and create response till the defects is repaired in the DNA. The important of checkpoint is that it ensure enough nutrients are available to support for division, ensure that the DNA has not been damaged, ensure that cells DNA is copied correctly and make sure cells have enough RNA for their protein synthesis.
Checkpoints genes can interrupt cell division if the dna is damaged, Dna is copied incorrectly and neurological signal sent from fear responses in an organisms tell the cells to stop.
Environmental changes occurs from time to time, we have the short term changes that do not last for a very long time and the long term changes that last for a while. Accumulate of short term changes can extend to long term as some of the long term effects are as a results of short term changes in the environment.
Short term environment changes can be favourable to some organism and adversely affect others. Raining season causes increase in growth and development of most plant species but a long period of drought and dryness makes its hard for some plant to strive while some plants can strive well in long period of drought. This makes the two changes different, the both have individual effects on plants response.