Print and blackboards/whiteboards
When objects are put in print you can revisit certain areas where you may be confused and ask clear questions about that part.
Blackboards and whiteboards allow you to see everything in front of you and point to certain areas.
D) Businesses can serve wants and needs
It's to support subject/verb inversion (as in "neither do I" or "so do we"). So 'does' is standing in for the main verb, 'discover' because modern English avoids inverting except with auxiliary verbs such as do, can, will. Without 'does', you'd have to say 'Only by ... views of others DISCOVERS ONE ...' which isn't done in modern English.
Kafka’s inadequacy about Gregor's sexuality is represented in
his personality. Gregor didn’t marry, and in the story there
is nothing about his relationship with any woman. Keep up the good work! :D
When you need a quick summary of the essentials, rather than the whole story or a thorough explanation, you're looking for the gist. The word gist has had a variety of meanings in English, but most of them have become obsolete.