How's this for ya?
I watched as a bus drove by and spotted a little boy's face peer through the window, his nose smushed up against the glass, his eyes amused and playful. I smiled at the funny sight and stood up from the wooden bench I was sitting on, and started my long journey home. The sky was a cerulean blue and the bright white clouds were as puffy as marshmallows. It was a wonderful day for a walk and the perfect day for a delicious ice cream sundae from my favorite shop, The Sugar Cone. So, I marched my way to the shop's doors and entered, wiping my forehead of the sweat droplets threatening to fall into my eyes.
"Hey Luke, you want the regular?" asked the lady behind the counter.
"Yes ma'am, Mrs. Kinley," I said and sat down on one of the pastel colored stools. I waited as she served up a New York Cherry and Apple Pie Swirl sundae, topped with pecans, hot fudge, and rainbow sprinkles. My favorite. She brought it over on a tray with a plastic spoon and some napkins.
"Thank you," I said, and started to dig in, but not until I noticed that the front doors were bolted shut. I didn't remember seeing her lock them, after all it was only 12 pm. Without another thought I continued to eat. Suddenly there was a whirring noise accompanied by muffled screams coming from the back of the shop.
"Mrs. Kinley!" I shouted, alarmed, "Mrs. Kinley, are you all right back there?"
The noises stopped, but nobody answered. With shaky legs I walked slowly to the back of the room, where the kitchen was located. I push open the door cautiously, and without making a sound, I grab my pocketknife from my backpack and held it ready. There were dishes in the sink, and an industrial sized container of caramel syrup on the counter. No one seemed to be in the room. Glancing around, I spotted another door that looked like it lead to the breakroom. I tiptoed to it and peered through the window. What I saw scared the heck out of me.
Blood was spattered on the walls and a bloody lump was sprawled on the table. There was a blender plugged in next to the microwave. Inside, there was a reddish liquid with white things sticking out of the lid. Horrified, I turned to run for my phone that I had left next to my already- melted sundae. All of a sudden there a sharp pain in my back, my vision went blurry and I started to feel woozy. The cutting knife started to lift up off of the counter by an invisible force and suddenly shot towards me. Last I remember was hearing bone-chilling screams that weren't mine and the horrendous face of a devilish being.