Umm where is the questions ?
Chronic Condiitons or Cronic diseases
1707-1778- Carolus LinnaeusHedeveloped the two part naming system fororganisms, using the genus and species,known as scientific naming.1707-1788- Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comte de BuffonIn his writings, he notedthat different regions of the world havedistinct plants and animals, even when theyhave similar environments. This isconsidered to be the first principle ofbiogeography. Buffon also suggested thatspecies may have improved and degeneratedsince creation, and that the Earth is probablymuch older than the 6,000 years widelyaccepted at the time.1769-1832- Georges Cuvier- influencedby the writings of Buffon, Cuvier foundthat layers, or strata, in the Earth's rockeach represent a different period in theEarth's history.
thats all ik sorry
Experiments in general are more reliable when a greater sample size is used. When using a small sample size, a mistake or fluke can greatly effect the outcome of the experiment. With a large sample size, there is more data to understand averages and deviations to the average data. The average will likely be more accurate with more data, which would make his sample size more reliable.