The consideration given to the bank for providing loan facility, in return of such facility an amount is paid which is over and above the principle amount of loan, this amount can be said as interest.
Interest are of two types i.e. (a) Simple interest (b) compound interest
<h3>simple interest</h3>
The amount of interest which is calculated at a fixed predetermined rate every year on the principle amount and paid until the loan is settled in full.
Given in the Question
Principle is $20,000
Rate is 3%
Time is 1 year
The simple interest is calculated by multiplying principle with the rate and than the outcome is multiplied with time to find simple interest.

Therefore the amount of interest received by Michael at the end of first year on an amount of $20,000 at a interest rate of 3%will be $600.
Learn more about simple interest here:
The Mean Of The Annual Salary Is $66000
It is because 90000+60000+70000+90000+20000=330000. 330000 Divided By 5 Equals 660000. You find the mean by adding all the numbers together, then dividing by the number of how many numbers there are, if that makes sense.
C) product life cycle
A product life cycle has 4 stages:
- introduction: a new product is introduced to the market usually with a marketing campaign
- growth: the demand and the sales of the new product start to rise
- maturity: the product is well known with a steady demand but new competitors enter the market
- decline: the sales start to decline and the product loses market share
Unibronx's inverter is a mature product.
Issuing convertible bonds
Convertible bonds are corporate bonds that can be exchanged for common stock in the issuing company. Companies issue convertible bonds to lower the coupon rate on debt and to delay dilution. A bond's conversion ratio determines how many shares an investor will get for it.
B) Climate of trust
The problem seems to be Climate of trust. This fundamental factor allows teams to perform better than the sum of the performance of each of its members. Through an environment of trust, each member is supported and coached by other team members making individual improvements and increasing synergies within the team. A climate of trust is not exempt from criticism, but this criticism is understood as a helping tool rather than an instrument of personal harm. Finally, a climate of trust allows that errors and mistakes become a useful source of learning.