The young men could not uproot the tree themselves so they asked the chief for help, the chief was able to uproot and bring the tree to its side so when the wife went to balance herself on the branches, she fell in a body of water below it.
#1) How does the voice affect the characterization and credibility of the text?
Answer: The way that the voice affect the characterization of the text is by giving the story a humorous tone. Also it affects the credibility of the text by overreacting and exaggerating which as a result makes the text not much credible.
I hope it helps, Regards.
It's pouring down with rain when they meet up at Nick's house, and gradually the sky clears. It's a metaphor for the way things are going between them.
Answer: The Youngers, a working-class black family, struggle against economic hardship and racial prejudice. rising action Ruth discovers that she is pregnant; Mama makes a down payment on a house; Mama gives Walter the remaining insurance money; Walter invests the money in the liquor store venture.