Polk was very
anxious to purchase California from Mexico, and he knew that Mexico would
refuse to give it up. He thought there was no time to be lost, as he feared
that England would seize it as a strong point on the Pacific, the wisest
course was what we would now call "eyeball" diplomacy — staring hard
at the opponent and expecting him to blink first. This technique was beginning
to work with England, and Polk had no doubt that it would also work with Mexico.
did you know most dogs can walk
also pigs are actually pink not mud
Tojo, Mussolini, and Hitler
1. Columbus is worthy of celebration by all Americans because he represents our ancestry.
2. Celebrating Columbus Day is a continuous way of saying "We're proud to be Americans, and equally proud of our Italian heritage and ancestry."
3. 57 percent of Americans believe that it's a good idea to have a holiday named for him.
4. Columbus was a man whose approach to the native people he met during his first voyage was exemplary, taking delight in their friendliness and happy demeanor.
5. He practically defines our understanding of the spirit of discovery is himself worth rediscovering, and worth teaching, with both truth and objectivity.
Roman civilization is associated with the Twelve Tables, an
extensive road system, and the poets Horace and Virgil. The twelve tables was
actually created in order to make a universal law for consistency. These tables
were actually created to protect a certain category of people like the plebeians
and patricians. These laws actually were made to protect the poor plebeians
from whom many rich people wanted to take away all the money. The road system
of the Roman Empire was also very extensively created for use of the Romans.