Clovis led the Franks in victories over the visigoths
The used encomienda, and slavery.
Encomienda was used to extract force labor from Native Americans. Because the Catholic Church prohibited the enslavement of Natives, they were nominally not slaves under this system. However, they enjoyed very little freedom, having to dedicate a large percentage of their working hours to produce the tributes that they had to pay to their Spanish overlords.
Slavery was used against Black people, who could be enslaved according to the Catholic Church. The system was very similar to slavery in the United States for example: black people were taken from Africa, and became slaves for life, including their offspring. They had no freedoms, could be bought and sold, and were subject to harsh treatment and short life spans.
The reason black soldiers in the Union Army fought for his country that did not respect Black Americans, was precisely the fact that those black people joined the hostilities to fight slavery. Black Americans enlisted the Army because they believe that joining the Army would give them the respect and equal rights than white people.