Salt Lake City, Utah is located in a warm desert like area where there are little to no bodies of water for evaporation. New York City however, is located right on the east coast next to an ocean which allows for water to evaporate and fall over New York more than in Utah. This is also why New York gets more snow in the winter. This is known as the lake effect.
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Some of the things that worms eat include dead plants, live plants, dead animals, animal poop, and other microscopic animals. After they eat, they grind up and digest their food and pass the rest as waste, called castings, which go back into the soil and help plants grow and stay healthy.
Whale skeletons support so much life because they contain an enormous amount of oil. Before this happens, they must release enough eggs or larvae so that some tiny proportion will be transported by the ocean currents and survive until they can find and colonize another whale carcass.
In most cases, as altitude increases, the air in the troposphere cools. Vertical mixing occurs as a result of warm air rising. However, a layer of cool air may form beneath a layer of warm air on occasion. Temperature/thermal inversion refers to this deviation from normal temperature.
When an inversion occurs, polluted areas (such as London and Donora PA) experience unhealthy air and an increase in smog because pollutants are trapped at ground level rather than circulating away.