The river will flow in many ways but will necessarliy follow the stream it goes through it but it go many different ways.
Mangroves are defined as assemblages of salt tolerant trees and shrubs that grow in the intertidal regions of the tropical and subtropical coastlines. They grow luxuriantly in the places where freshwater mixes with seawater and where sediment is composed of accumulated deposits of mud.
Rice prices must be kept within reach of the poorest people.
the position when the river loses energy it may drop some of its load this is called the position factor affecting river processes erosion rate this is Greater where the discharge is higher energy is higher the weather the weather the more erosion takes place
Hand in hand, we stood in the line for our amusement park tickets. The line seemed to go on forever. I waited impatiently, bouncing on the balls of my feet. At long last, mother handed me my pass. Then she took my hand in hers, and off we went toward the house of mirrors.