The event you're describing is called the Ra pe of Nanking. It happened in 1937. Around 50,000 innocent Chinese people were killed by Japanese troops.
Boys were to go out and help; gathering supplies, hunting, contributing to their community and family
Girls were to stay home and help out with the other women of the household, to make the food, etc.
During the summer of 1998, the Russian economy was primed for the onset of a currency crisis.In an attempt to avert the crisis, the CBR intervenedby decreasing the growth of the money supply andtwice increasing the lending rate to banks, raisingit from 30 to 150 percent. Both rate hikes occurredin May 1998, the same month in which the Russianstock market lost 39 percent of its value.
The kings wrong treatment of the people need for separation and to declare independence .
Muslims believe that Islam is a faith that has always existed and that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets, but the final and complete revelation of the faith was made through the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE