1. Established 9 new nations and shifted boundaries of others.
2. Carved 5 areas out of the Ottoman Empire and gave them to France and Britain as mandates.
3. Barred Germany from maintaining an army of more than 100,000 men.
4. Required Germany to return region of Alsace Lorraine to France.
Spiro Agnew was accused of taking bribes and forced to resign as Vice President of the United States. The charges stemmed from corrupt activity as a public official in Maryland.
For 5 points I think that is too little
William Jennings Bryan because it was during the Grange and the farmers alliance
Buddhism today has had a global impact with followers living and traveling around the world from the United States to Europe and Africa. However, Buddhism began and is most strongly rooted in Asia. Buddhism has had an enormous impact religiously and politically on South Asia and South East Asia in places such as India, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China.