In Plato´s allegory, the prisoner who breaks out of the chains and gets out of the cave discovers a completely new reality. Only then does he realize that the shadows he used to see on the wall were less real than the objects that were casting those shadows, meaning that what he thought was real, was only an illusion.
Plato uses this allegory to explain that our senses can only perceive shadows of reality, as reality can only be truly recognized by reason.
In my experience, the illusion of women being less adequate to certain jobs, often found in mass media, was relinquished by gender studies that show the prevalence of gender inequality in the job market.
Answer: C
Jonas entered the gym and waved to Fiona, his physical therapist. With her guidance, he walked across the floor with a walker, gently putting weight on his injured leg. Then he sat on the bench and lifted the weight she recommended. On the final repetition, he gritted his teeth in discomfort. Finally, he allowed her to demonstrate two new stretching exercises that would restore his flexibility. He tried each one dutifully and assured her that he would perform them every night.
The answer to this question is The patient is cooperative and determined
In this paragraph, the narrator describes the actions of Jonas as he goes to the gym after having a serious injury in his leg. In this, details such as "with her guidance" and "He tried each one dutifully" show Jonas is cooperative because he is following every one of the instructions of the physical therapist.
Moreover, in this text the narrator shows Jonas as determined, this can be inferred in details such as "assured her that he would perform them every night" because Jonas seems quite determined to recover and due to this, he goes to the gym and follows the instructions of the therapist. According to this, it can be inferred he is cooperative and determined.
How doth the little crocodile
Problem and solution. the problem is too many students at the high school, their solutions are sending them to the nearby middle school and bringing in portables.