During the age of imperialism, European countries competed
to gain new territories to acquire markets and resources to gain wealth and
influence. The more territories one
country control the more powerful their influence grew in world politics and
created conflict as some countries saw others as a threat. When the war ended, many countries were
devastated as lives were lost and the economy suffered. This was especially true to those on the
losing. After many demands were placed
on them, they grew angry and as a result this laid the seeds for the Second
World War.
It required all escaped slaves to return to their masters and that any free states had to cooperate with this law.
1. Government Only
2. Citizens Only
3. True
4. High as well
5. False
6. <span>By focusing only on one product, the other areas suffer, such as agriculture and Nigeria has to import food
9. M</span><span>en are given more opportunities for an education
10. True
It demonstrated that adding iron to the ocean can incite an unobtrusive phytoplankton sprout, however insufficient to bring about major climatic change. Later investigations demonstrated more prominent microscopic fish sprout. General it bolstered the speculation, however, it wasn't the last word.
It is as yet vague on the off chance that it would be conceivable or moral to incite worldwide tiny fish sprouts to diminish barometrical CO2