The best option from the list would be that "b) it completely ignored slavery," since the Founding Fathers were very much aware of the hypocrisy of talking about freedom and individual liberty while owning slaves.
Answer:</h2><h2>Establishment of a republic in France.</h2><h2>Establishment of civil equality in the country (but not in the French colonies) and radical social change.</h2><h2>The Reign of Terror, during which the Revolutionary government arrested 300,000 suspects, resulting in at least 25,000 deaths.</h2><h2>The abolition of feudalism in France</h2><h2>
Explanation:</h2><h2>The Revolution unified France and enhanced the power of the national state. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars tore down the ancient structure of Europe, hastened the advent of nationalism, and inaugurated the era of modern, total warfare.</h2>
Answer: "Large corporations exist only because they are created and protected by our institutions." Theodore Roosevelt.
In this way, the former president described the country's situation related to certain corporations, including the one owned by Rockefeller. In that way, the president started a showdown with monopolistic companies in the country. The idea was to create more competition in the market. That way, everyone would have an equal chance of succeeding, and the market would become fairer. The president has succeeded in his efforts bypassing several laws. Large corporations were powerless to oppose state policy.
The Japanese admired Korean culture because they captured Korean artisans to bring their skills to Japan.
In the mid-1500s, in addition to a large number of human losses, Korea suffered from severe cultural and economic damage and its infrastructure, including a considerable reduction of its arable land, as well as the destruction and confiscation of important works of art, artifacts and historical documents, coupled with the hijacking of technicians and craftsmen for Japanese lands. During this time, the main Korean palaces, Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung, were burned, although the palace Deoksugung has been used of temporary way.
Your answer should be “Prediction” :D