The Plot is Viola and her twin brother Sebastian have been shipwrecked; each believes the other to be drowned. Viola disguises herself as a young man and, under the name of Cesario, gets a job as a servant for the Duke, Orsino.
Possibilities.. ever been offered an opportunity of a life time? or a chance to better yourself..? there will always be possibilities. However it’s all about how you approach them. In your life time there has possibly been hundreds of opportunities you blindly ignored everyday. It’s so important to keep an open mind, be brave and take chances or you may just... miss out on that “life time opportunity”. You’ll never know the outcome till you take that opportunity.. you want to run that marathon? but “it’s too cold” you want to go on that date but you’re “to nervous” stop making excuses and start living take that opportunity and do it for yourself. That feeling of accomplishment will always be worth it and you’ll never experience it till you stop making excuses, you owe yourself that much.
Is it an entangled rhyme?
The girls found a Dead body