The Boston Massacre was concidered to be propaganda, because what it honestly was, was a mob (of about 10 people) gathered outside of the King's Safe House and there was [a sa … id] misunderstanding about someone yelling fire, and the British killing 5 people.
At the end of the English Civil War, the monarch was executed and replaced by "Oliver Cromwell", since at first there was a massive power vacuum that needed to be filled.
People say that the two party system was created because the US voting system is winner take all. For example, if a presidential candidate gets the majority of votes in Florida he gets all the electoral college votes for that state it is not split between the candidates.
None of those answer choices reflect this but I feel like C is the closest.
The Crown passed the Intolerable Acts as to punish the colonists for their disobedience
In the year 1773 the British Parliament had enacted The Intolerable Acts as a penal action against the colonial insubordination after the incident of Boston Tea Party. This was a protest to resist the British Imperialism in U.S. and was majorly concentrated in Boston and Massachusetts.
The protest was staged to oppose the burden of taxes on tea by the Crown. The protest was carried out by entering the ship which was carrying the tea for East India Company and throwing the shipped containers of tea into the Boston Sea port.