Indulgences and Overpower in Clergy
Indulgences where essentially a get out of hell jail free card, and how you can pay to be forgiven for your sins.
Overpower in Clergy would consist of how much power and influence the Catholic Church would have on monarchial affairs. The Catholic Church would influence monarchies and made far too much money. It can be observed the Catholic Church was very affulent.
The protestant Northern Europe tended to dislike the Southern Catholic states.
The Cold War led to spheres of influence and encouraged nations to ally themselves directly or tacitly, by accepting financial and military support, with either the NATO or the Warsaw Pact powers.
Socialists were in many ways looking for a radical change in the way society was structured. Their main goal was to re-build economic, political, philosophical and religious systems from scratch, neglecting everything related to the capitalist society they wanted to overcome. Because of this idea of re-installation, of decosntruction of all known models, socialists were utopian in their way of thinking and developing.
Social reformers on the other hand, understood the principles of socialist and communist societies but also the fact that their idea of democracy required winning state power. By slowly adapting the established system to their social reforms they could remain in power for long periods of time that could then be used to further transform and fix the issues presented by capitalism like lack of education, low wages and inequity.
Several totalitarian states developed after World War I. One of the most famous ones is Hitler's Nazi Germany. Hitler was able to gain power for several reasons. The first reason is Germany's poor economy. Thanks to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay reparations (aka money) for the cost of World War I to countries like Britain and France. These reparation payments caused the German economy to decline rapidly.
Another reason why Hitler was able to gain power was because of the German citizens anger with their leaders during the 1920's and early 1930's. Many German citizens felt that the government was cowardly for accepting all of the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
These events helped lead to Hitler's rise in power. Once in power, Hitler used several different methods to maintain power. One of the most popular methods was using his secret police to threaten/kill anyone who opposed his policies. This method scared many individuals from speaking out. Along with that, he made promises to the German people to restore the country to its former glory.