Embargo goes into the circle
Embargo means: an official BAN on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.
The wordpart (the part of the word, morpheme) gam- (found in -gamous, as in polygamous) means marriage - option b. Its origin is in Greek.
The feeding habits of dolphins and seals. bc you are gonna compare the two habits
The Hammurabi is a well-preserved document consisting of the Babylonian law of Ancient Mesopotamia. It dates back to 1754 BC, and it is one of the oldest writings in the world that has been deciphered by researchers.
The pictographic sentence that describes a phrase often associated with Hammurabi is "If a man shall destroy the eye of another man, he shall destroy that man's eye". This is also one of the most famous phrases and the best-known laws of the Hammurabi code.
because scientist are curious people who find solutions to there curiousness