C. Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.
Byte pair encoding is a form of encoding in which the most common pairs of consecutive bytes of data are replaced by a single byte which does not occur within the set of data.
For example, if we has a string ZZaaAb, it can be encoded if the pairs of string ZZ are replaced by X and the second pair by Y. So, our data now becomes XYAb.
To get our original data, that is decode it, we just replace the data with the keys X = ZZ and Y = aa thus allowing our original data to be restored.
Since our original string is restored without loss of data, it implies that <u>byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.</u>
I Think The answer is d I hope it helps
Yes I've noticed this. Unfortunately it's up to the user (Asker) to report an answer incorrect.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
bool isAPalindrome(char* palindrome);
int main()
char palindrome[30];
bool palindrome_check;
cout << "Please enter an word or phrase.\n";
cin.getline(palindrome, 30);
palindrome_check = isAPalindrome(palindrome);
if (palindrome_check = true)
cout << "Input is a palindrome\n";
cout << "Inputis not a palindrome\n;";
return 0;
bool isAPalindrome(char* palindrome)
char* front;
char* rear;
front = palindrome;// starts at the left side of the c string
rear = (palindrome + strlen(palindrome)) - 1;//starts at the right side of the c-string. adds the c string plus the incriment value of s
while (front <= rear)
if (front = rear)
return false;
return true;
You shood just be able to tern it on