You might see Frank Phillips working in a soup line as C: He strongly supported working to help in the community.
Frank Phillips was the President and Co-founder of “Phillips Petroleum Company”. He joined bond business with his father in law, John Gibson. He used to sell bonds in “Chicago” and “New England”.
One day he found an area, Oklahoma, rich in oil. Later, he and his brother started the oil business along with Gibson. Phillips Petroleum continued to grow manufacturing gasoline, aviation fuel etc.
Even during “Great depression” in U.S., he promised to help people and gave them jobs. He even made free circus available for the local school children and garnered a lot of appreciation for the same.

The word "New Right" appeared during the 1964 presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater to designate "the emergence, in response to liberalism (in the American sense of the term [i.e. social liberalism]), of an uninhibited right: ultraconservative, imbued with religious values, openly populist, anti-egalitarian,
According to Herodotus, the Phoenician prince Cadmus was accredited with the introduction of the Phoenician alphabet—phoinikeia grammata, "Phoenician letters"—to the Greeks, who adapted it to form their Greek alphabet.