Answer: It's incorrect,
"How am I supposed to tell you? When I don't even have service nor time to know what's going on?"
What she means is that she had made 19 trips to Maryland, helped 300 people to freedom, yet she was never captured and didn’t fail to deliver her "passengers" to safety. As Tubman herself said, "On my Underground Railroad I [never] run my train off [the] track [and] I never [lost] a passenger." During these journeys she helped rescue people that were from her own family and people who weren’t from her own family. You can check her story in the America Library.
It emphasizes that the men had no say in their fate.
The repetition in that excerpt shows how powerless the men were in deciding their fate.
It shows the total lack of control they have over their lives, they are merely tools to be commanded and they were obligated to obey each order absolutely.
a social statement of pollution and redemption
That should help