Advantages: A young mind is easier to adaptability and sustenance. As the mind grows old, it tends to become more habituated to firmness in the decision making process, thus leaving far less possibilities for the couples to compromise on situations. For women, an early marriage is safer in terms of pregnancy
TAREAS GRAMATICALES SOBRE LOS PASADOS1. Con estas unidades vamos a aprender tres tiempos del español: el pretérito perfecto (he sido), el ... Como has visto en la Tarea 2, para formar el perfecto en un verbo se usa el presente del ... 4. Como leer se conjugan los verbos que terminan en –eer: proveer, etc.
Without knowing the context of this question I would say a lot of horror films come from real life experiences exaggerated and from dreams of the writer.
Explanation: Read about horror writers and their influences.
In number 12 (up neatly) is a prep phrase