Dear Diary,
i don't like it, i want it to stop! just because my hair is pure white for unknown reasons, everybody looks at me and me, i don't even have any friends unlike i did in primary school. Its not fair! everyone else is so pretty and perfect... then theres me... Kate 'white hag' Greteen.
From Kate Greteen.
i literally wrote this in 2 minutes so ya know
To plot memorial events or experiences to explain and or give the reader a descriptive vision of what the picture author is painting
The eight elements of thought and reasoning are part of the Critical Thinking model. They are listed as follows:
1. Information
2. Assumptions
3. Implications and consequences
4. Point of View
5. Interpretations
6. Concepts
7. Purpose
8. Question
The elements are paired together into categories by putting the identical elements into pairs. The four categories are as follows:
1. Purpose is paired with Assumption
2. Question and Concepts are paired together
3. Information is paired with Point of View
4. Interpretations and, Implications and Consequences are paired together.
<span>We are not always aware of these elements when we think. They are very often part of our unconscious thought processes. </span>
Fixed Cost: A fixed cost means that it never changes, increases or decreases for goods or services sold/ produced.
Variable Cost: Variable Costs happens when goods/ services a business supplies changes.
Semi Variable cost: Semi variable cost is cost that shows both fixed and variable cost in it's group.
Example Fixed Cost: rent, propety tax, insurance
Example Variable Cost: electricity, gas, wages, and commission
Example Semi Variable Cost: running a vechicle