I think the answer to this would be true
Over the years, operating systems have sought to be more efficient, which is why it is vital that the use of main memory such as ram be as intelligent as possible, so that operating systems are more efficient.
Segmentation is a process of dividing the program into logical units, such as sub functions, arrays, variables, etc., making it possible to have processes divided into pieces so that it is easy to access each of the processes that this leads to its execution. Segmentation allows the programmer to contemplate the memory as if it had several address spaces or segments. References to memory consist of an address of the form segment number - offset.
Pagination is a technique where memory space is divided into physical sections of equal size, called page frames. The programs are divided into logical units, called pages, that are the same size as the page frames. In this way, an information page can be loaded in any page frame. The pages serve as an information storage unit and transfer between main memory and auxiliary or secondary memory. Each frame is identified by the frame address, which is in the physical position of the first word in the page frame.
D. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
HIPAA which stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is an act designed by the US government in 1996 to guard patients' confidential health information and also implement policies and procedures to safeguard it. The act contains the required information and instruction for handling patients' medical health information. The law however gives patients (or their representatives) the right to access these information which as a matter of fact must be made available within 30 days from the day of request.
PS: Not sure why the option D in the question contains ' FTF '. I have taken it to be a typo because without it, the option is in itself complete.