<span>Have you ever seen the lights downtown during the holidays they are amazing.
Answer: run-on sentence
Our neighborhood looks really pretty in the wintertime. When the snow is falling and everything is quiet.
Answer: sentence fragment
Dad doesn’t like winter, he hates shoveling snow.
Answer: run-on sentence
I don’t like shoveling snow either. Although it is good exercise.
Answer: sentence fragment
Since we have had so much snow this winter, I’m really looking forward to spring.
Answer: correct as is
Hope this helps!
Life balance and personal<span> happiness </span>do<span> not necessarily depend on earning ... Our age and 'life-stage' particularly </span>affect<span> what makes us happy and balanced, as </span>does<span> ... Don't allow </span>external<span> factors - especially your habits and expectations and ... If </span>you<span> are not happy then take time to think and plan how to </span>change things<span> for</span>Managers must recognize and respond to all factors that affect<span> their organizations</span><span>. ... Recommended Lessons and Courses for </span>You<span> ... </span>External<span> Environmental </span>Changes<span> Drive the Need for Risk Management .... and will then look outside to the </span>external<span> environment and </span>things<span> occurring independent of the organization.
Mistakes are opportunities for growth
Answer:im not 100% sure but i hopr this helps you
Explanation: Despite the nearly ubiquitous presence of social media in their lives, there is no clear consensus among teens about these platforms’ ultimate impact on people their age. A plurality of teens (45%) believe social media has a neither positive nor negative effect on people their age. Meanwhile, roughly three-in-ten teens (31%) say social media has had a mostly positive impact, while 24% describe its effect as mostly negative.
Given the opportunity to explain their views in their own words, teens who say social media has had a mostly positive effect tended to stress issues related to connectivity and connection with others. Some 40% of these respondents said that social media has had a positive impact because it helps them keep in touch and interact with others. Many of these responses emphasize how social media has made it easier to communicate with family and friends and to connect with new people: