The closest thing that I can say among all of these answers would be improvisation. The definition of improvising is adapting to the situation in a better manner appropriately. So let's say when a musician is already on stage and makes a mistake while playing the guitar, he has to improvise a bit so that his mistake will not look like one. He is spontaneously creating something while he is on the spot. In a sense, he is improvising his original work and making something somewhat different.
water colour wash
Wet-in-wet painting
One tip for any watercolor wash: If you notice a mistake in a previous stroke, don’t try to fix it. Once the wash has started to dry, a new stroke will almost definitely be more noticeable than any small mistake. It’s best to leave these happy little accidents as they are.
Wet-in-wet painting is one of the most basic techniques — so basic you might have already done it before without realizing it!
It is the brass because it is in the brass family with the instrument ls included during the explanation
A commission is where the artist gets paid to create art and a patronage is when the artist gets financial support through other people to provide these artworks.
A. The politics of peace and war in Europe at the time