China is probably undergoing a depression or is collapsing.
Explanation: in the future, most robots will do factory work. Even today we see robots starting to replace workers in factories. Most of China’s industry is factory work, so now that robots are a lot more effective, cheap, and efficient, they need to use them in order to keep up with the rest of the world, so most workers lose their job. Across the country, many many Chinese citizens go jobless but, the government has to find a way to feed them because of communism. So who’s paying for that food, then? Who’s maintaining the welfare of the people, because they don’t have a job?
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Commedia dell'arte, a traditional Italian form of physical comedy, uses masks and often they appear in Elizabethan and Restoration comedies, where a character might use one as disguise. In Greek theatre the actors all wore exaggerated masks to communicate character.
Half cadence.
An HC completes the phrase in dominant, making the phrase feel not only incomplete and unresolved, but leaving it in the dominant area specifically adds tension to the point where your ear can only be satisfied by hearing another phrase that provides the answer. Half Cadences always finish on a V but can come from any chord before it. Most often, it will come from a Tonic area or Predominant area before moving to Dominant on this final V chord.