General election is a kind of election which is held after certain period of time (5 years in India) for all constituencies at the same day or within few days
Mid term election is held when a lot sabha or a state assembly dissolve as a whole before the expiring period. It is held to form the new house.
It was the 10 Commandments.
Long ago, God gives Moses the Arc of Covenant it's a golden chest with two flat rocks inside where the 10 Commandments are written but suddenly it become gone forever but there aee list survived
There are several influences in US government from Greece. The type of government, democracy, comes from Greece. There are also many government buildings in the US that are inspired by Greek government buildings.
Technology has improved, we got video games, arcade halls, more to do with phones and computers, so that means thst advertisers could advertise their stuff on computers.
(I dunno I guess that's the only connection I saw...)