A psychological assessment can include numerous components and in psychological tests a person's responses are evaluated according to carefully prescribed guidelines
Absolutely nothing at all
Electronic measurement tools accurately store a large volume of data very quickly.
Electronic measurement tools are important devices used in taking records of data. They are very good measuring tools because they can measure a large amount of data very quickly and in a very precise manner. Examples include; multimeters, voltmeters, oscilloscopes, etc.
Their sizes might vary but a general attribute to them all is the speed at which data is recorded and the precision with which they are measured. Scientists most times use these devices to take measurements.
[Son] las ocho y treinta y cinco
Answer: The specific heat of this compound is
a) It is higher than the specific heat of water.
Specific heat is the amount of heat needed by a substance of one gram to raise it's temperature by 1°C.
This specific heat is impacted by the strength of hydrogen bonding in any substance.
Hydrogen has the highest specific heat.
Value of specific heat is directly proportional to strength of bonding in a substance.
If the bonding is strong, it will need more energy to raise its temperature. Hence, specific heat will be more for that substance.