Mass media is really everything around you if you think about, it can any form of media from you TV to the bill boards outside those are considered media as well because they are trying to convey a point to you. Some examples are: radio's, tv, phones, snap, insta, newspapers, bill boards, movies... anything that can be read and is directed to a certain point of view to certain people is considered Mass Media.
Wasn't a lot of annual purchases. This lead to a lot of Tabacco farmers ending up with really bad debt that mounted over the years they owned the farm.
The correct answer is false.
False is correct answer, because Othniel wasn't the one who deliberate them from Canaanite oppression. It was actually general Barak.
On the other hand Othniel delivered Israel from Mesopotamian oppression.
Any options to help answer your question?
Herbert Hoover was a Republican and believed that the primary function of government was to protect individual freedom.
I am not too sure about economics but he pretty much want for every one to work for success themselves .