We are less able to accurately estimate the amount we will need tends to happen to the accuracy of our savings goals as our investment horizon becomes longer.
Secured Goals is part of an account that is structured to save only your money and save that as well, all the difference is this is a great dividend saving account to protect against accidental spending. When you open a protected savings fund, a savings goal is automatically created or credit installments are created only at the end of each month.
Setting goals helps investment horizon you break down the saving process to make it easier and more convenient. Setting goals saves time.
Learn more about investment horizon at
B) awareness training
In this scenario, based on all that Floyd is doing seems as though he is using awareness training on his employees. This is a training technique used to train employees on cultural and ethnic diversity as well as what is appropriate and inappropriate when dealing with different cultures. Like mentioned in the question this also encourages employees to think outside the box and question stereotypes.
The answer should be Perception-Checking
Perception checking is where you check someone's behavior, which is how John found out Ted was having a bad day. (based on Teds behavior)