I believe sound is a form of energy
This is my story of freedom of speech:
One day I was was with my favorite teacher and I hear one of my friends talking about me with her friend. She said bad things about me. This is when I figured what freedom of speech was. She kept talking about me all week and then I finally came up to her and said "I heard you have been talking about me.". She played around and then finally admitted she did. I told her "I know you think I'm a bad person and freedom of speech is a thing but honestly your a bad friend and talking bad about someone is honestly tells me more about you.". "What about me?" then I said "That you a bad friend.". We never talked again. This is how I figured what figure of speech is.
It depends but mostly river is bigger than the lake
It states that there is silence, suffering, humiliation, persecution because of race and religion.
I am one of the people who are made fun of because of who I am.
but not my race or religion.