Because traditional economies are characterized as being primarily agricultural, they are prone to stagnation since they rely heavily on weather, which can be unpredictable and pragmatic.
A. The Holocaust
German Nazis felt that Jews and any one else who was not part of the master race of Aryans (blonde hair, blue eyes) were inferior so they were sent to death camps called Concentration Camps and were systematically killed.
A. To make them feel blame for what happened
As this is up to interpretation as the war hasn't progressed far enough to provide a clear answer, I am going to give the best / worst case scenario.
Best case scenario, Putin realizes that what he is doing is irrational and calls off the invasion, and Russia deals with the economic consequences.
Worst case scenario, Putin keeps pushing the war until foreign countries get involved, possibly triggering Article 5 of NATO, causing WWIII and most likely ending in nuclear war.
What I believe / hope is going to happen is that is becomes more of a cold war where there is no direct conflict outside of Ukraine and Russia / Belarus until Russia gives up.